We sell a wide range of strings for your Lever or Pedal harp; Bow Brand, Pirastro, Anna Prestige, Galli, Burgundy and more. You will also find handy tools for your favourite instrument in our shop. This includes Harpo’s, tuners, harp benches, tuning keys, stands, pick-ups.
For ordering strings or accessories you can fill in our order form.
For more information, advice or if you prefer ordering via e-mail or telephone feel free to contact us.
Tel. 0031 43 3214056.

The Harpo is a highly functionable, lightweight harp cart. With straps to keep your harp in place, foldable mechanics to make the cart compact and large inflatable tyres that even allow you to go up and down stairs. The wheels are easy to remove to preserve space.

Several sized Stagg seats with 3 different heights.
Wooden harp benches fully height-adjustable in different colors of seats and varnishes.